General tips

Tyre blowouts

Tyre blowouts, particularly front tyre blowouts can have devastating effects.   Even with every effort to physically monitor tyre condition and correct pressure, a blowout can still occur.   A common cause of tyre failure is heat build up resulting from under inflation.   A slow undetected leak on a long drive will eventually result in under inflated which will in turn lead to failure from heat buildup.   Without any understanding of what to do in the instant a blowout happens, its understandable and almost expected that most drivers may subconsciously resort to instinct and react in a way which could lead to complete loss of control.

The first video shows dash cam footage of the front tyre failure of large Ford Bronco towing a camper trailer at freeway speed.   The second video is a Michelin Tyre Company instructional video which explains the forces at play, and what they say is the correct reaction to a front tyre blowout.   Its an interesting video, and is the exact opposite of what most of us would instinctively do.

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